
The Blocker Foundation is committed to learning from and sharing with our partners so that we may continue to have impact in the communities that we all serve. To help fulfill this commitment, The Blocker Foundation will require the Grantee to submit both an Interim (6 month) and Final Report. For any grant terms greater than 12 months, we will require both an Interim and Final Report to be made each year during which funds are made available and/or the project is ongoing.

A grantee’s individual reporting due dates and requirements will be provided in the grant contract upon approval of funding.

Please use the link below to sign in, complete and submit your report.
Reporting Link

Grant Budget Worksheet

Please use the template provided below to complete the required budget update for your grant. This form should be used for both interim and final reports.

Budget Template for Reporting

Reporting Narrative

Please provide a narrative that includes measurables and information on the grant. This narrative should include an update on all vital aspects of your grant including but not limited to; partnerships, workplan and timeline updates, changes to the proposed project, successes and challenges with the project and next steps. Please be mindful that the narrative should reflect what you most want the Foundation to know about your current funding, program or project and organization.

This narrative may be uploaded in either word or pdf format.