Discretionary Grants are awarded on a rolling basis throughout the year until available funds have been disbursed and are separate from our primary grant rounds. The program provides grants to fund small, discrete, time-limited projects and activities. These funds are not designed for capital requests but for programs, projects, or core support that require more immediate funding than a primary grant cycle would allow. Requests are limited to $25,000 and should address a current and immediate need within the communities that encompass the Foundation’s service area.
- Projects must be completed within a 12-month period from time of grant approval.
- All applications must be submitted in full through the Foundation’s online grants system.
- Upon completion of the project, grantees will be required to submit brief narrative and financial reports. Depending on the project, grantees may be asked to schedule a short debrief call with Foundation staff.
- Submission and approval of a Discretionary Grant does not preclude the submission of a request through the Foundation’s primary grants round.