
We empower Hampton Roads to be a healthy environment where shelter, wholesome nourishment, educational options, and economic opportunities enable our community to thrive.

We look forward to learning more about your organization and the work that you do to support the Hampton Roads community. If you are interested in applying for a grant from The Blocker Foundation, we ask you to call us at 757-942-2005 or email prior to submitting an application. Requests for conversations after your application is submitted will not be considered.
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Budget Template

Budget Guidelines

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Please note that this grant system is not HIPAA compliant and no protected information should be provided.
The Blocker Foundation asks that any organization interested in applying for a grant, please call the Foundation directly at 757-942-2005 or email for discussion of the request prior to submission.

All applications are due as follows:
Application DeadlineGrant Award NotificationGrant Start Date
March 1MayJuly 1
September 1OctoberJanuary 1
Please note that in 2025, the March 1, 2025 grant deadline will be extended to Monday, March 3rd with applications still due by 2pm.

Please note that with September 1, 2025 being Labor Day, all applications will be due the Friday before, August 29, 2025 by 2pm.

Discretionary Grants

Discretionary Grants are awarded on a rolling basis throughout the year until available funds have been disbursed and are separate from our primary grant rounds. The program provides grants to fund small, discrete, time-limited projects and activities. These funds are not designed for capital requests but for programs, projects, or core support that require more immediate funding than a primary grant cycle would allow. Requests are limited to $25,000 and should address a current and immediate need within the communities that encompass the Foundation’s service area.
  • Projects must be completed within a 12-month period from time of grant approval.
  • All applications must be submitted in full through the Foundation’s online grants system.
  • Upon completion of the project, grantees will be required to submit brief narrative and financial reports.  Depending on the project, grantees may be asked to schedule a short debrief call with Foundation staff.
  • Submission and approval of a Discretionary Grant does not preclude the submission of a request through the Foundation’s primary grants round.